Copyright NRRC Northern Regional Recreation Center. All rights reserved.

Northern Regional Recreation Centre

Available Ice Times & Rates

To book an ice time, email: 

We Now Accept E-Transfers 

Send your Etransfers to:

Please Use Password:  hockey

August 2024 Rates
August 2024 - $270.50 per hour +GST

September 2024 Rates
September 2024 - $250.50 per hour +GST

2024/2025 Regular Season Rates October - March

Contract Rates (Weekly Ice Time September 30 - March 14)

Minor Hockey Teams - $147.50 per hour +GST

Adult Teams - $162.50 per hour +GST

Non-Contract Rates (October 1 - March 31)

Youth Teams - $157.50 per hour +GST

Adult Teams - $172.5 per hour +GST

Early Bird (6am - 9am) - $120 per hour +GST

Day Time (9am - 3pm) - $140 per hour +GST

Full Day Saturday Rental (10 Hours) - $1,200 + GST

**Prices may be adjusted in season**

Spring 2024 Rates April - May

April - $250.50 per hour +GST

May - $270.50 per hour +GST

NRRC Closing Date - TBA

Hall Bookings

Rent our upstairs hall for your next private function!  Bar area is also available. 

Need smaller meeting room?  Check out our Lions Den Meeting Room too!

Rental Rates & Rental Agreement Form